L’Office of Management and Budget della Casa Bianca ha pubblicato un report nel quale vengono dettagliati i previsti tagli al bilancio federale, Pentagono compreso.
La Difesa americana subirebbe una riduzione di circa 54 miliardi di dollari nel 2013 dei quali 15 miliardi in tagli al procurement, 7 miliardi in tagli al settore R&D (ricerca e sviluppo), 26 alle operazioni.
La Reuters ha così sintetizzato:
Detailed tables provided the first detailed look at how the reductions would affect individual parts of the U.S. Defense Department’s budget, including the following cuts:
– $2.24 billion from Navy aircraft procurement accounts, used to fund early production of Lockheed Martin Corp’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and additional purchases of the V-22 tiltrotor aircraft built by Boeing Co and Textron Inc’s Bell Helicopter unit
– $2.14 billion from Navy shipbuilding accounts, used to fund work on a new aircraft carrier being built by Huntington Ingalls Industries, nuclear submarines and destroyers, also built by Huntington Ingalls and General Dynamics Corp
– $843 million from Army aircraft procurement, which could hit some big helicopter buys from Boeing and Sikorsky Aircraft, unit of United Technologies Corp
– $1.25 billion from other Army procurement accounts
– $2.01 billion from the Air Force aircraft procurement account, a large chunk of which was to be used for F-35 purchases
– $2.23 billion in other Air Force procurement accounts, money spent on classified weapons programs
– Of the total $26.4 billion in operations and maintenance cuts, $3.27 billion would come from the Pentagon’s health program
– $4.29 billion from Navy operations and maintenance accounts
– $6.87 billion from Army operations accounts
– $4.27 billion from Air Force operations accounts
– $1.33 billion from the Pentagon’s fund for helping Afghanistan develop its own security forces.