In vista del summit NATO di Chicago l’Atlantic Council, influente think tank di Washington, ha pubblicato un report dal titolo: “Transatlantic Nations and Global Security: Pivoting and Partnerships“.
Il messaggio contenuto nel documento? Se la NATO vuole rimanere rilevante nei mutati scenari globali deve rendersi realmente operativa nel c.d. “Greater Middle East” e nel cyber-spazio, sostenendo la strategia statunitense e assicurando “congruenza strategica” col partner d’oltreoceano.
A critical element of the transatlantic bargain is for there to be fundamental congruence between United States and NATO strategy. The dynamic nature of the Greater Middle East and the new United States defense strategy have raised key questions about whether this remains the case. To achieve congruence at the strategic level, a first action would be to tie NATO and US strategies together at the NATO summit with an appropriate political declaration. The Alliance should create a Strategic Consultative Group to formulate a longer term strategy utilizing all elements of national power for the Greater Middle East, and particularly two arenas where the alliance or its member nations are most heavily engaged—the theater involving Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the Central Asian countries; and the Iranian problem and the issues of deterrence, and proliferation in the Gulf.