Per la verità è probabile che si tratti dello stesso gruppo che nel 2009 fa ha realizzato la c.d. “Operazione Aurora“, fatto sta che l’FBI, scrive il Washington Post ieri, ha allertato alcune aziende riguardo all’esistenza di un programma di spionaggio realizzato da un gruppo di hacker cinesi che mira a rubare dati a società ed istituzioni americane:
[…] The FBI’s alert, obtained by The Washington Post, coincided with the release of a preliminary report on the same hackers by a coalition of security firms, which have dubbed the group Axiom. “The Axiom threat group is a well-resourced and sophisticated cyber espionage group that has been operating unfettered for at least four years, and most likely more,” said the report, issued by Novetta Solutions, a Northern Virginia cybersecurity firm that heads the coalition.
The cyberspying campaign is in support of China’s strategic national interests, the report said. Specifically, Axiom targets organizations that have strategic financial and economic interest, influence energy and environmental policy and develop high-tech equipment such as microprocessors, the report said.
The group’s sophistication is demonstrated less in how it gains access to targets’ computers and more in how it moves “laterally’’ once inside the system, disguising its behavior to look normal so it goes undetected, said Peter B. LaMontagne, Novetta Solutions chief executive officer.
“It suggests a threat actor that is well-funded, organized, patient — all characteristics associated with a government organization,” he said. […]
Un’ulteriore conferma, se ancora ve ne fosse bisogno, che la minaccia strategica nel cyberspazio è lo spionaggio. Quello economico in particolare.