Il comitato di controllo sui Servizi segreti britannici ha condotto un’inchiesta sulla vicenda del programma di intercettazione della NSA denominato “PRISM“.
In base a quanto appena reso noto dal chairman dell’Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC), Sir Malcolm Rifkind, le accuse mosse all’agenzia di spionaggio elettronico inglese GCHQ, secondo le quali quest’ultima avrebbe spiato illegalmente i propri cittadini tramite l’NSA ed il programma PRISM, non troverebbero conferma e sarebbero infondate. L’attività del GCHQ avrebbe rispettato i criteri di legge.
L’ISC, però, pur non identificando violazioni o illegalità ritiene sia utile un’ulteriore valutazione in merito all’adeguatezza della normativa vigente:
Although we have concluded that GCHQ has not circumvented or attempted to circumvent UK law, it is proper to consider further whether the current statutory framework.
In some areas the legislation is expressed in general terms and more detailed policies and procedures have, rightly, been put in place around this work by GCHQ in order to ensure compliance with their statutory obligations under the Human Rights Act 1998. We are therefore examining the complex interaction between the Intelligence Services Act, the Human Rights Act and the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, and the policies and procedures that underpin them, further. We note that the Interception of Communications Commissioner is also considering this issue.