Lo dicevano i romani, avendo perfettamente ragione, ed è più o meno il senso di questo studio della Rand Corporation commissionato dall’Aeronautica militare americana: “Crisis Stability and Long-Range Strike“.
This study found that, considered individually, aircraft are the strike assets that offer decisionmakers the most flexible and responsive tools for crisis management, and long-range penetrating bombers are the strike assets able to contribute the most to structural stability. […]
This report does not suggest that penetrating bombers should constitute the nation’s sole deterrent, conventional or nuclear.
Nor does it imply that other strike assets or other force elements are not needed to perform missions aside from fighting wars, deterring wars, or managing crises. Ultimately, the nation will continue to need a suite of capabilities that operate in multiple domains to ensure its security.
That said, the analysis does indicate that long-range, penetrating bombers offer a combination of attributes that are important for stabilizing international crises, and these attributes are not exhibited as robustly by other strike assets.
Since the end of World War II, bombers have been important arrows in the nation’s quiver of force projection capabilities. They will likely remain so in the future
Insomma, se vuoi la pace – la tua pace – prepara al meglio le tue forze armate e possibilmente acquista dei buoni bombardieri a lungo raggio armati con bombe ad alta penetrazione*.
* Errata corrige: un gentilissimo lettore, che qui ringrazio, mi ha fatto notare un mio grave errore di interpretazione. Per “penetrating bombers” si intendono, infatti, i bombardieri capaci di penetrare in profondità nel territorio nemico e non, come da me inteso, bombardieri dotati di bombe a penetrazione.
Umilmente mi scuso per l’errore e procedo ad infliggermi la giusta punizione.