La notizia è la seguente: a breve ognuno dei sei comandi regionali (Geographic Combatant Command) delle Forze armate americane sarà dotato di un proprio Joint Cyber Center. Lo stabilisce un memorandum firmato un mese fa dal Ministro della Difesa Panetta.
[…]Previously, combatant commanders had limited access to cyber tools, relying on reaching back to U.S. Cyber Command (CYBERCOM). The delay and lack of capability limited cyber operations.
The new structure looks to change that, allowing for tightly integrated cyber effects. In a memorandum marked “For Official Use Only,” dated May 1, U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta authorized the plan designed as a “first step” toward standardized cyber operations, according to documents obtained by Defense News.
Under the new structure, joint cyber centers (JCCs) will have chief responsibility for forward cyber operations, and serve as a link between combatant commanders and CYBERCOM cyber support elements (CSEs) that will provide intelligence information and operational know-how.
The May 1 memorandum authorized the implementation of a transitional framework, and directed officials to act with haste.
“It is imperative that we move quickly and put the transitional framework in place as soon as possible,” Panetta wrote.
To combat the problem and provide greater offensive capability, the new structure includes creating a JCC at each geographic combatant command by this month, designed to serve as the “nexus for combatant command cyberspace enterprise.”
The JCC will organize offensive operations and protect the networks employed by each combatant command, combining disparate responsibilities not previously concentrated locally. Each JCC is set to be composed of existing cyber personnel at each command, although experts expressed skepticism that this combination could result in sufficient staffing.[…]
In altri termini, la Difesa americana, attraverso apposite procedure e strutture, sta fornendo (e trasferendo?) ai propri comandi operativi di teatro effettive capacità di cyber-warfare. Vedremo con che risultati.
Piccola nota di approfondimento per i cultori.
Nel marzo del 2011 in questo studio dello US Army War College si consigliava:
To ensure the GCCs freedom of action in cyberspace and to best leverage the capability provided by USCYBERCOM I recommend the creation of a Joint Cyber Functional Component Command as part of the Geographic Combatant Command structure.
This command will serve as the Joint Force Commander for cyber forces in theater; it will serve as the Geographic Combatant Commander’s advisor on cyber operations; and will serve as the Joint Force Cyber Functional Component Command Commander for operations in the GCCs area of responsibility absent the establishment of a separate Joint Task Force.
The Joint Functional Cyber Component Command will provide the GCC the structure necessary to leverage the capability provided by USCYBERCOM to integrate cyberspace operations in their contingency plans and to respond to cyberspace incidents within their area of responsibility.