Il RUSI di Londra ha dato il via ad un programma di studio interamente dedicato all'analisi delle operazioni militari in Libia. In questo primo report un gruppo di analisti procede ad una valutazione preliminare degli aspetti diplomatici, strategici e militari delle operazioni franco-britanniche.
"At the strategic level: After Iraq and Afghanistan where the emphasis was always on numbers of ‘boots on the ground’, this operation seemed to be a throwback to some of the crises of the 1990s in the Balkans. It was characterised by airpower, precision weapons delivered from a distance, and politico-military pressure to affect events on the ground indirectly.
At the military level: Notwithstanding difficulties in the command structures, a complex air and maritime operation was successfully conducted, based on precision weapons that effectively hobbled Qadhafi’s forces, leaving them isolated and without access to their heavy weapons (…). This welcome precision was heavily based on ISTAR assets (Intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, reconnaissance); highly sophisticated, expensive, and available to only a few of the allies. Even in this case, however, ISTAR assets among the key allies were almost at full stretch. Their value in this operation has re-opened a number of the arguments around last year’s defence review, since Britain was due to lose some of these ISTAR systems by 2015. (…) the operation was remarkable for the number and variety of special forces operating – including significant operations by Arab special forces – who supplied and helped organise rebel forces, more than they were able to them."
Accidental Heroes – Rusi Interim Libya Report