Secondo quanto riporta Newsweek ed in base ad alcune foto satellitari il Pakistan starebbe realizzando un quarto reattore per la produzione di plutonio presso Khushab la qual cosa, secondo gli esperti dell'ISIS, costituirebbe un considerevole rafforzamento delle capacità di produzione di armamento nucleare.
Con tutto ciò che questo comporta…
"Pakistan appears to want the plutonium to improve the quality of its nuclear arsenal and build a new generation of lighter, more powerful weapons. Plutonium-based weapons can have more explosive yield in smaller, lighter packages than weapons based on weapon-grade uranium. Pakistan appears to want warheads small enough to fit on cruise missiles it is currently developing. It also may want larger yield (50-100 kiloton) fission weapons that can cause far more damage to Indian cities than its current relatively low-yield weapons. In addition, plutonium-based fission weapons could enable Pakistan to build deliverable thermonuclear weapons (i.e., hydrogen bombs). Thus, the recent activity at Khushab should be viewed as further evidence of an accelerated nuclear arms race between India and Pakistan"