Leggo sul New York Times (il quale a sua volta riporta informazioni pubblicate sulla stampa giapponese) che la nuova – e di imminente pubblicazione – strategia di difesa nipponica prevederebbe un riallineamento nel sistema difensivo dell'arcipelago che costituirebbe, di fatto, un contributo alla strategia americana di contenimento della crescente potenza militare cinese.
"In what would be a sweeping overhaul of its cold war-era defense strategy, Japan is about to release new military guidelines that will reduce its heavy armored and artillery forces pointed northward toward Russia in favor of creating more mobile units that can respond to China's growing presence near its southernmost islands (…).
The new guidelines also call for acquiring new submarines and fighter jets, the reports said, and creating ground units that can be moved quickly by air in order to defend the southern islands, including disputed islands in the East China Sea that are also claimed by China and Taiwan. These disputed islands are known as the Senkakus in Japanese and the Diaoyu in Chinese."