Ebbene sì!!!
Lo confesso urbi et orbi: mi sono innamorato… del Project on National Security Reform !!!
Ne ho già parlato in precedenza. Si tratta di un poderoso progetto di analisi delle strutture e dei processi riguardanti la sicurezza nazionale americana*. Solo che, a differenza di altri, questo studio produce concrete ed approfondite proposte di riforma.
I reports del PNSR, grazie alla complessa metodologia adottata dalla commissione**, sono incredibilmente accurati e veramente notevoli.
Insomma, l’analisi (seria) che manca al nostro Paese e che qualcuno prima o poi dovrebbe decidersi a promuovere.
Questo è il rapporto appena pubblicato: “Forging a New Shield“.
Qui di seguito invece il “sommario esecutivo” ( qui un articolo del Washington Post)
PNSR Forging a New Shield Executive Summary
*A study on the national security interagency system, to include the structures, mechanisms, and processes by which the departments, agencies, and elements of the Federal Government that have national security missions integrate their policies, capabilities, expertise, and activities to accomplish such missions, and any recommendations for changes to the national security interagency system.
**By means of rigorous examination of the origins, history, and performance of the national security system, our study identified problems that impede the nation‘s ability to integrate and resource well the elements of national power. The study, conducted by PNSR‘s Directorate for Research and Analysis, included ten working groups: Case Studies, Vision, Processes, Structure, Human Capital, Resources, Knowledge Management, Congress and Other Oversight, Overarching Issues, and a Core Study team. These working groups have drawn upon more than 300 national security professionals working in collaborative relationships from an array of think tanks, universities, and companies, including private intellectuals, current and former practitioners, former national leaders, military officers, and government personnel.