… mi diverto a leggere le offerte di lavoro della CIA. In particolare le “analytical positions“.
Mi piace scoprire che tipo di soggetti, culturalmente parlando, cercano.
Leggo, per esempio, che un analista di contro-terrorismo deve avere, come base “a bachelor’s or master’s degree in international affairs, national security studies or related subjects, preferably with a strong Middle East or South Asia focus or other regional expertise. Strong skills in written and oral English and excellent analytical ability, solid interpersonal skills, and the ability to work under tight deadlines are also required, as is a minimum GPA of 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale. Foreign language proficiency and foreign area knowledge gained through study, travel or work abroad is desired.”
Oppure che un analista di leadership dovrebbe avere preferibilmente un master “but outstanding undergraduate candidates may also be considered. Candidates with degrees that include leadership studies or a closely related field (psychology, political psychology, sociology or anthropology), and also possess regional expertise, are strongly encouraged to apply. Other strong candidates will have degrees in international relations, political science, foreign area studies, history or similar areas. Competitive candidates have excellent analytical, research, written and oral communications skills. A GPA of 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale is required, and foreign language proficiency and foreign area knowledge gained through study, travel or work abroad is highly desirable. Coursework and research in small-group behavior and decision-making is an additional plus.”
Per non parlare degli analisti militari, di quelli di Fonte Aperta, di quelli economici… finendo con le offerte di internship a studenti…