Tramite Global Dashboard apprendo che domani il Governo britannico presenterà la prima National Security Strategy.
Da alcuni articoli a commento sembra che Gordon Brown abbia intenzione di creare una sorta di Consiglio di Sicurezza Nazionale sul modello di quello statunitense.
Plans for an American-style national security council involving retired defence and intelligence chiefs and other acknowledged experts in their fields have been drawn up as part of a new approach to dealing with future threats and emergencies (…)
The Prime Minister has also been urged to form a new management structure within the Cabinet Office which would be solely responsible for implementing the country’s response to a national emergency.
At present there is concern that there are too many senior civil servants and committees focusing on all the potential threats facing this country and British interests abroad, but no individual at official level with an overall responsibility.
Chissà quando i nostri vertici politici si renderanno conto che una struttura del genere dovrebbe essere creata anche (e soprattutto) da noi…
Il documento è stato presentato oggi.