Come preannunciato dai lanci di agenzia, nel nuovo documento strategico francese si dà il via ad una ristrutturazione di tutto l’apparato della Sicurezza Nazionale con la creazione, tra le altre cose, di un Consiglio per la Difesa e la Sicurezza Nazionale e di un Consiglio per l’Intelligence Nazionale (quest’ultimo sembra essere un “sottocomitato” del primo).
E’ prevista inoltre l’istituzione di un Coordinatore per l’Intelligence Nazionale.
Qui di seguito alcuni passaggi del Libro Bianco.
The implementation of the national security strategy will result in the creation of new bodies presented below :
Policy Guidance
• The Defence and National Security Council
Chaired by the President of the Republic this body is responsible for all defence and national security related matters. Specialised formations of DNSC can be convened such as the Defence Council, the National Intelligence Council and ad hoc sessions (crisis management, intelligence, nuclear issues).
• The National Intelligence Council
This is a specific formation of the Defence and National Security council which provides overall guidance, assigns objectives and priorities in intelligence matters.
The National intelligence coordinator works with the President of the Republic and prepares the council’s decisions; his task is to plan the intelligence goals and assets, in particular the annual investment plan and to monitor its execution.”“National Intelligence Coordinator
As designated point of contact for the Intelligence Services with the President of the Republic, the Coordinator supervises the planning of the intelligence objectives and assets and their implementation. He prepares the decisions of the National Intelligence Council and monitors their implementation. He chairs periodic meetings of the Directors of the intelligence services in order to set forth priorities for intelligence collection and to address requests from the intelligence community. He chairs the Inter-Ministerial Committees for the orientation of intelligence related technical investments.
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